Usuario invitado
8 de febrero de 2024
On a trip in and around the Khao Yai National Park, we are looking for a resort in the area in the afternoon for the overnight stay. This is how we found the Phutara Fah Resort located on a lake. A nice location that has both hotel rooms and camping options. For us there was the option of a room on the first floor with a staircase with many steps and we had already walked enough stairs that day or converted boat that was used as a bedroom. The latter looked nice so we booked that "boat". It was also stated that there was noise pollution until 10 am due to a party in the restaurant. And the food was delivered because the restaurant was full. So far so good, until that night I had the feeling that there were uninvited guests in the room. After some listening I discovered that there was a rat walking around that kept quiet when I moved but took action when it became quiet again. To make a long story short, I spent 3 hours isolating the rat in its hole and closing the entrance with a towel. The next morning I wanted to know how the rat had turned out and took the towel away and it turned out that the rat had eaten a hole in the towel so big that my head could fit through it. The rat had apparently given up and gone to rest. When checking out I gave the towel to the receptionist and showed him the hole, his action was "oh sorry".