Usuario invitado
21 de enero de 2025
We came for Sunday lunch, so I can't say anything about the bedrooms. But from our impressions of Reception, the bar and the restaurant: This place is old-fashioned... In a very good way. Firstly, it's made by the staff, who are smart (not sure I've ever come across a restaurant Maitre d' in tails - at lunchtime..), polite, friendly and efficient. They give a very good impression of enjoying their jobs, which carries over into the whole feel of the place. Despite the formality of the staff's appearance, the decor and the table layouts, the atmosphere in the bar and restaurant was relaxed. The pianist had an idiosyncratic approach to his arrangements, which made playing "Spot the Tune" a fun game. Everything seemed clean and it was useful to have a area to hang bulky winter coats. I've docked a star because, in the end, the food was no more than average and did feel a bit conveyor-belty. We forgave this because their set-price menu, at this time of year at least, is good value. Additionally, the bar area was really cold, with a potentially cosy laid fire sitting there, sadly unlit and no radiators on. We'd have spent longer - and more money - had we been able to lose the goosepimples. I'm sure a lot of people would moan that this hotel - which was once the home of Charles Kingsley, of "Water Babies" fame - is "dated". I suppose it is. But it's unapologetic about not being all stainless steel and fake marble. If that's your bag, you've plenty of choice. I hope Livermead House stays as it is. We'll be back to enjoy its lovely "time-capsuley" feel.