16 de julio de 2023
The reason why I booked this hotel for the first time was because it was close to my friend's house. The reason why I stayed frequently after that is because of the warm consideration of the employees. There were many group customers at breakfast time, so there were no eggs, but the staff who saw this delivered the eggs themselves. I was grateful to think that it was a place where I could feel the warmth. My accommodation will be here when I come to PUER(普洱)with the warm hospitality of the front desk, rom-made, and the kitchen staff in charge of breakfast.
第一次预约该酒店并入住的原因是离朋友家很近。 之后经常投宿的理由是职员们温暖的关怀。 早餐时间团体客人很多,所以没有鸡蛋,但是看到这个的职员亲自送来了鸡蛋。 想到这里是能感受到温暖的地方,就非常感谢。 从前台到纶米德,还有负责早餐的厨房职员们的热情款待,来到普洱,我的宿舍就在这里。