Usuario invitado
13 de agosto de 2023
My wife and I had one night’s stay at Dufferin Coaching Inn – Saturday 12th August 2023 – and we were in room D. We booked for accommodation and breakfast on the morning of Sunday 13 August 2023. This coaching Inn is full of history and also full of character. It was easy to book and communication with Janine at the Inn regarding this booking was a stress-free, easy experience. Janine was from the very first a cheery welcome at the front door - everything any traveller wants whether looking to check on after a long or short journey: A GENUINE WELCOME! A bright, cheerful, fully focused host, who was genuinely delighted that we had chosen her Inn to rest, explore, eat and ensure we were fully replenished to continue our journey (in our case we were heading home). Everywhere I looked, every nook and cranny (that is every part of the place) was spotlessly clean and serviceable; evidence abounded of an active hand, an active focus, active care, active investment, ACTIVE host who ensured mirrors gleamed, that bathroom shower gel, soap, towels, flannels (face washers) were present, correct; an ACTIVE host in being there when you need them and discreetly vanished as and when appropriate. Our bed, pillows, duvet all bright, cheerful with the that lovely smell of having been freshly laundered, freshy pressed. Carpets in our room were deep piled and freshly hoovered. When closing the bedroom window shutters: perfect darkness and on our night, we were there, perfect silence; not a sound. Glorious rest. Here’s a puzzle for you re the windows in room D (if you stay there): Why are there slots like letter boxes either side of each window? Clue the windows are called ‘Sash’ windows; you go solve the riddle but don’t ‘weight’ around. (I was a third generation of a builder’s family so gleaned all manner of insights re long past construction methods). Breakfast was perfect plenty of choice and I had the ‘Ulster Fry’ (my wife had salmon and poached eggs and was most impressed and indeed recommends). The Ulster Fry which – I can promise you from experience – varies greatly in fat and greasy content elsewhere; this one was perfect in presentation not a spot of grease or fat visible: truly scrumptious; kept me going all day! So, by now, this sparkling review, should have you heading to the Dufferin Coaching Inn website as you plan your Northern Ireland / all Ireland trip. If it doesn’t….well I cannot be any clearer: this is a welcoming, homely, actively well managed inn giving good value, placed in a delightful, enchanting part of Northern Ireland; a place to rest, relax, recuperate, challenge your knowledge of historic buildings: in short – Delightful host, enchanting property, affordable….I recommend. Thank you, Janine, and all your staff for making our one night stay so enjoyable and so easy to recommend!