Usuario invitado
31 de enero de 2023
They stole my money: 500 euro from the safe in the hotel room. I stayed at the Vispas hotel with my husband, from the 2nd until the 6th of September 2022. I put my money and the pasport in the safe in the hotel room, after the personell had assured me it was safe, because they have video cams to monitor. I put in the safe 600 euro and 2200 Romanian lei, on the evening of the 3rd of September, and I also wrote these amounts on a piece of paper. On the morning of the 5th of September, when I wanted to take money out of the safe, I saw that there were 500 euro missing. I only found in the safe 100 euro and the 2200 romanian lei. At the reception they promissed me to investigate, because they have video cams. I haven't heard from them yet, even though 3 days have passed since I left. I do not recommend you this hotel, because it is very clear that the thief had acces to the safe with a key, because the safe was not forced.